Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why Hitting on People in Everyday Spaces is Not Okay

Why Hitting on People in Everyday Spaces is Not Okay

*Hetero perspective*

Women don't dress for men. We dress for ourselves. We wear makeup for ourselves. Because we want to feel confident and look well when we check ourselves out in the mirror. When I get dressed in the morning, I look in my closet and think about what I want to look like for the day. 
Men don't cross my mind once.
I know I'm not ugly and on a good day, I think I'm cute.
So going out in public is an interesting experience. Many guys look at a woman and if she's attractive, he thinks "She totally wants me to hit on her." No, no we don't. When we go to the store, hit up the gym, grab some dinner, we don't want to be hit on.
Patriarchy has taught men that they own every space. Especially spaces that have masculine stereotypes (the gym!) You don't own spaces and you don't own the people in those spaces. We don't owe you affection just because we are "in your space." When women enter a public space, she is usually doing so for a reason. You know, going to school, getting food, running errands, going to work, or getting exercise. We don't go out into public to get a date.

But at the same time, women are taught, expected, and conditioned to giggle at your flirtations (that really make us uncomfortable) and even give you our number or affection in return. You don't flatter us with your attention. Many times we give you our number because we are terrified of the consequences of not giving you it. You know, violence, harassment, rape. Yeah...

It is worth mentioning that there are women who have been conditioned to think that men's attention is a magical gift and a blessing that is upon them. So when men flirt with them, they are in awe and thankful of your attention. This is another thing we owe to patriarchy. Men are Gods and how lucky to be if they bestow us with their affection.

I would really like to be able to go about my everyday life without having to deal with advances from men. And I really don't need men to flirt with me to have self-confidence. I'm not flattered by your attention. Like "OMG, a man noticed me! I exist! I matter." No. Women are not worthy only if you recognize us for our outer appearance.

Men feel like they can approach all women and begin hitting on them. However, not all women are straight. So that's another problem. And many of those women are not going to out themselves to try and avoid your advances.

How to Flirt with a Woman in Public

  1. If she has headphones in, don't bother her.
  2. Smile at her, if she smiles back, initiate polite conversation.
  3. If she sounds/looks uncomfortable, respect it.
  4. Understand that men harm women in public spaces.
  5. Instead of asking for her phone number, offer to give her your number.
    1. If she's interested, she'll text you.
    2. This is less threatening because women get harassed through text frequently.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Men's Unrealistic and Not Okay Expectations of Women

Men's Unrealistic and Not Okay Expectations of Women

As a society, we care a lot about women's appearance and their behaviors. We expect them to do certain things to be appealing to men. And that's really messed up. 

Hetero perspective up in here.

1) No Body Hair
Really, this is more regarding pubic hair, leg hair, armpit hair and facial hair. When men say they prefer to have women not have hair on the vajayjay, I'm like "Do you like feeling like you're having sex with a 10 year old girl?" Like that's not okay. Pubic hair is normal. It protects the vadge from bacteria. And waxing feels like your getting murdered in your downstairs area. As far as leg hair goes, why does society tell women that leg hair isn't feminine? It's a pain to shave my legs often and I hate it. Society is messed up. Ugh.

2) We're Good Cooks
(Why is there a baby in a pot? Don't cook babies, please. That's messed up.)
For some odd reason, a lot of men think that women should be good cooks. I'm not a bad cook, but I'm not a great cook. I wasn't raised to focus on my culinary skills. Yeah, my parents were cool and taught me how to fend for myself and cook basic meals, but they were more focused on raising a good human being. So don't expect women to 1) be good cooks, 2) like to cook, 3) and be the chef in your relationship.

3) We Suck Your Dick
(Sorry family)
We're not here to have sex with you. 
If we want to have sex with you, awesome. Love it. Do it. Consensually. But we don't owe you sex and if we don't want to have sex with you, then you have to be cool with that. (Ladies, you too.) 
And during sex, we don't have to suck your dick unless we want to.

4) Have a Certain Body Type
All about that bass? Or about that treble? As a woman, I'm expected to have curves in some places but not others. Supposed to have great legs, great butt, and perfect breasts. That's not a thing. In the real world, you're not gonna get a woman (let alone, a person) who fits your idea of a perfect looking person. So love what you have. See each person for who they are, a beautiful human being.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What I Learned in 2014

What I Learned in 2014

Okay, so this is a little early, but I don't really care because I'm gonna be in New York at the end of 2014, and I won't care about my blog. Holllllller.

1) I'm okay being single.
I spent a majority of 2014 in relationships and these last few months have kind of been glorious. I've gotten to know myself better and really focus on me. I'm super awkward, a wannabe hippie, a secret fashion lover, and someone who doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. And I don't need to be in a relationship to be happy and I also don't need to be in a relationship to have fun.

2) I love but also hate my body.
Since August, I've lost about 13 lbs, so that's cool. And my body looks so different than a few months ago. And my confidence has been raised. So yay. But I also hate my body because of all its stupid health problems. Like get your act together, body. Stop trying to kill me.

3) Haters gonna hate.
I have some major haters (mostly at work.) I think they hate my peppy attitude and the fact that I don't let them get away with stupid things "just because we've done it like that before." So I've learned to accept that haters gonna hate (and potatoes gonna potate.) I can't do anything about their attitude towards me, so they aren't worth my energy.

4) How to do eyeliner.
This is huge. I finally know how to apply eyeliner and make it look not awful.

5) Men are strange beings.
I knew this before 2014, but I super figured it out this year. Like men will do whatever they want, whenever they want. And most men in their mid-20s have no idea what they want in life. It's super frustrating to be this age and try to date within my own age range because the men my age don't know what they want to do as a career, if they want children, where they want to live. Society tells men that they don't have to decide those things yet but women have to decide very early on. I think mostly because everyone feels like our eggs will be wasted if we don't figure out our lives ASAP.

6) America hates people who aren't 
cisgendered, white, male, straight, Christian, able-bodied, etc.
The most recent election showed me that America really wants to vote people (mostly white men) into office who are anti-choice and pretty much hate people who aren't like them. That's just rude. And then with this Ferguson crap happening, a lot of people are happy with the outcome and that disgusts me. Y'all are mean.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Things I Don't Understand About Women

Things I Don't Understand About Women

Yo. I'm a woman. *shocker* But I really don't understand women. Like we're really confusing people. We're not naturally confusing, society just teaches us to behave in certain ways that make us confusing. So society is all "Hey ladies, you should probably act really irrational," so we do. 

Here are some things I don't understand and will never understand about women.

1) We're really insecure

I think this is where a lot of our problems come from. We're taught to not accept compliments and critique our bodies, intelligence, and personality. Ladies, own those compliments. You're beautiful and probably really smart. And your personality may be awesome. And if it's not, work on that.

We're self-conscious about our bodies during sex (turn those lights off, you'll see my cellulite) and are so worried about losing our partner that we act really differently.

2) We can be possessive of our partner (or our casual hook-up)
This one has really bothered me recently because I don't get it. Your partner does not belong to you. They don't owe you anything except to treat you with respect.

And if we're dealing with a casual hookup, they really don't owe you anything. They can talk to other people. They don't have to text you all the time. Like stop it. Get over it. They have their own life. If you want them to be your boyfriend/girlfriend, then frickin' let them know. If not, then let them be their own person.

3) We don't communicate
This has a lot to do with what society teaches us. We're taught not to be direct and ask for what we want. This bothers me so much. People aren't mind readers. If you want something, ask for it. It's not that hard. Want to date someone? Ask them out. Want to have sex with someone? Ask them. Want to go to that new restaurant? Tell them. Don't make them guess and when they don't do what you want, you get mad at them. Because that's not cool. 

If you didn't communicate it, then you have zero right to be upset when they don't do what you want.

Women, am I right?

Let's start realizing that society teaches us to be really irrational people and change that. Because women, we're better than that. We can push babies out of our bodies. And run a company. No man can do that.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I'm Weird- Weird Things About Me

Weird Things About Me

1) I hate soggy cereal with a passion of 159231 suns. So I pour my milk and just add a little cereal at a time. So no cereal gets soggy.

2) I sing my words. Life's more fun that way.

3) I usually always wear a scarf. And play with it when I'm nervous.And sometimes I put it on my head if I'm feeling crazy. And I have like 43 scarfs. No joke.

4) I hate (poorly) tattooed eyebrows. Like they just make me nervous. I don't know why.

5) I frequently cry when I see puppies. Because I love them. And they make me happy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It’s Hard Out There for Men, Too

It’s Hard Out There for Men, Too

A guest post by: Geoffery D. Phillip

Kelsey's note: Geoff is one of my dearest friends and he has the greatest heart! It is my pleasure and privilege to have him author a guest post for my blog. Enjoy!

About the Author:

Geoff currently lives in Greeley, CO. Geoff completed his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado. Geoff is currently working on his Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, also from UNC. Geoff works at an inpatient psychiatric unit and detoxification facility where he provides individual and group counseling for people suffering from acute mental illness and substance abuse, intoxication, and withdrawal. In the future, Geoff plans to work with men’s issues in whatever capacity that might entail.

So, what are we dudes supposed to do about it? 

That’s not something you hear too often.

Let me tell you why men have a hard time, too. Tough to swallow, but stay with me.

I’ll start with a question: what does it mean to be a man in today’s society?

Well, that has as many different answers to it as there are blades of grass in my front yard. Society, with its limited scope of knowledge about men’s roles would have us believe that men are to be strong, invulnerable, sexually crazed, rich beings. Society wants men to be hard bodied, hard-hearted, and fervent workers.

Movie industries don’t really capitalize on soft-hearted, vulnerable, real men. Look at the majority of action flicks. Jason Statham’s characters are perfect examples. Bad acting aside, Statham is the perfect example of a powerful man. He is stoic, hard-bodied, and not afraid of anything. He doles out bullets like rice at a wedding. Yet, despite his unbuttoned shirt displaying his hard and bloody chest, his gun in hand, and classic one-liners, he is a shallow and empty man (in his movies. I can’t speak to him in real life…maybe he is a nice guy?) Sure, he probably has sex every ten minutes and most men aspire to be like him in some fashion. Because that is what they are taught (constantly) a real man should be. These are the movies that our boys and men are watching and they are subsequently expected to be that kind of man. When the media is so pervasive that men can’t be anything but what is portrayed in movies, what options are we left with to take? 

Not a lot of options, that’s what. Again, I reiterate: it’s hard out there for men, too.

To make matters worse, men are denied services in a lot of different areas, one in particular being mental health. As a worker in mental health, it makes me sad to say that even mental health professionals are often ill-equipped to deal with men’s issues. Classic textbooks would have you know that “women experience depression more often than men.” I call bullshit. Men experience it the same (if not more) than women, it just manifests differently. But, mental health professionals are ill-equipped to help men cope with their issues. Let me add some further fuel to the fire. Research shows that the dominant male ideal (read: Jason Statham) causes men NOT to seek help for their issues. What a shitty situation, right? Men who ascribe to that dominant identity of what men “should” be are less likely to seek help for the issues they are struggling with. How messed up is that? The very thing that men need help with is the thing stopping them from getting help. Ah, mental health issues are cunning in nature, and insidious in their development.

It hasn’t been until recently that researchers have begun to examine specific men’s issues in counseling.
The (empirical) research I have read confirms one thing for me: men who ascribe to the typical male stereotype (read: invulnerability, anger, toughness, bravado) are only hurting themselves. These men are more likely to abuse substances, ascribe to traditional gender roles that lead to oppression of less dominant ideals, and be more depressed and angry. Many of those things are cause for mental health issues. Interestingly, there is intragroup oppression going on. Men who do not ascribe to those traditional roles are seen as less manly or more feminine in nature due to being different. That, too, is a cause for mental health issues to arise. When people are being discriminated against for their very personhood, how is one not to feel anxious or depressed?

On that note, let me pose another question? What is a good man? That question, for whatever reason is not as easy to answer as the previous question. Media has been shoved down our throats since we were ambulatory. But, what is the other end of that spectrum? What is a good man?

Spoiler Alert: I recognize that this is entirely my opinion. When there is research supporting this, trust me, you will be the first to know. A good man is one who embraces his masculinity and uses it to further the cause of other people. Those other people can be anybody. The others can be his family, his children, his close friends, the players on his team, the congregation of his church, his clients, his co-workers, random people on the street, etc., etc. A good man is not one that has to be ashamed of his male-ness nor uses his male-ness to dominate and destroy others.

Jackson Katz, a leader in the field of gender violence, said something in his documentary that has stuck with me for a long time: dominance only remains dominant when it remains unexamined.  With that little nugget of knowledge, here is my challenge to you, my brothers: reject the story society wants you to believe. Call bullshit on the typical male stereotype. I encourage you to embrace being vulnerable. Trust me, I have lost my fair share of people for being callous and uncaring. It is not worth it. Your partner needs you to be strong. Ah, but that’s the catch. Not strong in the way you may be thinking. I challenge you to embrace a different definition of strength. I have been shown, time and time again, that being vulnerable, truly being vulnerable, is the source of TRUE strength. Allowing yourself to feel real emotions and realize what real intimacy is takes much bigger balls than what holding things in and being angry all the time does. Yeah, that’s hard to believe when the media and (sorry to say it) even women are telling you to be something else. And, the only way we are going to be happy as a species of men is to embrace our vulnerability. Reach out to a fellow brother for help. Look your wife in the eyes and tell her that you love her. Play dress up with your daughter (just like the Doritos commercial). Dance in the driveway with her. This is what being a man all is about. Write your own damn story about what being a good man is about. There doesn’t have to be one concrete or correct (whatever that means) answer. There as many definitions for what a good man is as there are blades of grass in my front lawn (see what I did there?).

What is yours? Explore that with someone. Be vulnerable (read: strong!) enough to share that journey with someone else. This can be anyone; a trusted brother, a mentor, a co-worker, your wife, whoever. The choice is yours.

Women, we (I use “we” loosely, as I identify as a man) have got to stop endorsing this male archetype of invulnerability, callousness, and disinterest. Sure, that man may be sexy. Sure, he may lace his words with honey in an attempt to get in your pants. That can easily be mistaken for genuine sensitivity. For some of those men, maybe it is. For the rest of the men in the world, try to facilitate a safe space for him to be who he truly is. It’s hard enough for men to be men when they are being judged by their very own species. They likely don’t need it from women, too (or any person in the gender spectrum, for that matter, as I recognize I have been working the gender binary so far). Ladies, allow them to be who they are and do not judge them. Ladies, tell your man that you love him. Tell him that you want to know what is in his heart. Tell him that you are proud of him for opening up to you. Tell him that you, too, reject that false story society wants us to believe. Facilitate that safe-space for him to talk about his issues. Remember, truly strong is the man that can be one with and express his emotions. Presence is something we all too often miss out on this fast-paced world. 

As Aristotle once said: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Knowing your emotions and being one with and expressing them is part of knowing yourself truly and wholly.

This is my call to arms for you: let us write a new story for what it means to be good men and women in this world. Let us allow ourselves to be human for once.

Be well, brothers and sisters. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

PLL Senior Class Superlatives

Pretty Little Liar Superlatives

Best Smile
Best Personality

Best Eyes
Toby Cavanaugh

Freshest Dresser
Dead Ali
For being dead, she sure had some great fashion sense

Biggest Ego
Her texts are getting less and less clever.

Class Clown
Whoever this is

Most Unique
The guy who made the masks

Best Athlete
Rooftop A. 
Dude jumped buildings.

Most Changed Since Freshman Year
Hanna Marin
She also wins the award for worst fat suit

Most Likely to Throw a Chair on Jerry Springer
Mona Vanderwaal
She's not to be trusted.
She's dead.

Best To Take Home to Mom and Dad
Ezra Fitz
Because he's their age

Most Likely to Become President
Spencer Hastings

Best Car
Jenna Marshall
Why does she have such a nice car?!

Biggest Gossiper
Alison DiLaurentis
She's the boss

Worst Case of Senioritis
The whole cast
Will they ever graduate?

Best Hair 
Emily Fields

Most Dramatic
The whole stupid town of Rosewood

Worst Driver
Mona (as A)
She ran over Hanna

Most Artistic
Aria Montgomery
She was artsy, but I feel like that's 
a mute point in the plot line now

Most Likely to Succeed
Melissa Hastings
Whether she is plotting or planning, 
she's creepily successful

Most Individualistic
Caleb Rivers
He's a free soul, don't hold him down! 
He went to Ravenswood 
(for a new series that was cancelled)
He's so individualistic that he can't carry a series.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lessons Learned from Feminist Ryan Gosling

Lesson's Learned from Feminist Ryan Gosling

It's Wednesday, how many rights have been taken away this week?
But really, this is a good one because women's basic rights are questioned or joked about daily. And during the Hobby Lobby ruling, many women (myself included) felt their rights slowly slipping away. Then when my body is regulated, I feel like less and less of a person (at least in the eyes of the government)

"I had the chance to pull together a cabinet, and all the applicants seemed to be men… I went to a number of women's groups and said, 'Can you help us find folks?' and they brought us whole binders full of women." Thanks Mitt Romney. Women should be kept in binders and the reason they aren't applying for political positions shouldn't be examined.

Men who can't get boners is more important (and justifiable) than not pushing unnecessary medical exams on women who seek to have an abortion. The war on women is a real thing. There isn't a war on your flaccid penis though.

Merry Christmas. Christmas Break. No. Stop. Have a good day. That is all.


I mean, yes means yes. And no means no. Consent isn't a blurred line.

So, I love that Feminist Ryan Gosling raised awareness of feminism in a fun manner and brought it to pop culture. But I so wish that we had a female version of feminist Ryan Gosling because I feel that this reiterates the idea that people only pay attention to things when men say it, even if Ryan actually didn't say these things.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

This is not a Funny Blog Post

If you came here looking for my usual hahahaha funny blog post, my apologies, I'm really not feeling the funny right now.

I'm in such a weird place in my life right now. I'm so pessimistic about my romantic outlooks, pretty anti-men right now, and in general, just angry at the world. Which I think is a totally okay way to feel.

I know it seems really juvenile and petty to be so over love at the age of 24, but the last year has been really rough on me. I got out of a relationship with a boy after we fought for months over me not wanting to have kids. He treated my opinions about it like crap. He said that I was overthinking it and that raising children isn't as hard as I was making it out to be. Which is really silly because raising kids is hard, ask any parent that. And then he contacts me recently saying that he isn't sure why he fought me so hard about that because he actually doesn't want kids. And that he's the perfect SO for me and lalalalala. Harassment isn't a sexy thing. That relationship really screwed me up. And I still haven't gotten over how awful it was.

So that happened. I had a man treat me like crap when he agreed with me. Then I decided that I needed to get out into the dating world again. So I did and I was completely straight forward and said I didn't want kids. It was all cool. But now I'm single again because I don't want kids. I don't want to have love goblins, so obviously that is a deal breaker and makes me undateable. And I really don't think I will ever find anyone who accepts me for who I am because I'm a strong woman who is educated, outspoken, and independent. Oh, and that I don't want to push a human being out of my vagina. To find a man who is not threatened by me and doesn't want kids will be nearly impossible. So I guess I just need to accept that.

I've just really been hurt by men and I am done with it. There is a tragic flaw in me and it's my want to not be a mother. All of this has just made me feel like crap and that I'm pretty worthless in the significant other department. Which sucks a lot because I probably am not. And then when people say that I'll find someone, I get so upset about that. Because will I? Where is this magical person? Everyone I know wants kids, so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be alone. I'm just really over all of this love crap. Because it's really stupid and hurts so much.

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm okay with being #ForeverAlone

First, I must acknowledge that my ex recently contacted me, so I'm feeling pretty negative about love, but it's whatever. And I guess overall, I'm feeling very pessimistic about men as a romantic interest. To find a man who supports my anti-kid, career driven self is gonna be rough and I've had little luck so far.  I do want to find that one person who I can spend my life with, but I really don't think that will happen. A lot of men want children and I just can't give them that. So I have few options for my love life. And that's fine.

I know that #ForeverAlone is a thing and it's supposed to be funny, but I got to thinking about it. I'm okay with being #ForeverAlone. Yes, I want to have a husband and be a wife, but I'm fine not being a wife. I'm really happy with myself and feeling super duper confident in my life choices as of right now, so I don't need my identity to depend on someone else. Yeah, it'd be super awesome to share my life with someone, but if it doesn't happen, it's all good.

Putting effort into a relationship is hard, especially when that relationship ends and you have to start the process over again. I put a lot of effort into my relationships, so it's exhausting when it doesn't work out, so again, it's cool if I get to just have a puppy family. Because puppies are awesome.

And it's kind of horrifying, the thought of being married. Because if you get married, you can get divorced. Everyone in my family has been divorced. And I'm not exaggerating. Everyone. So, I have just been around that for my entire life. That marriage isn't a forever thing and is easily thrown away. And I don't want to get divorced so the easiest way to follow through with that is to not get married. So, I guess I'm just in this place in my life right now where I'm fine not getting married and being forever alone because I won't get hurt anymore. And I can be my own person.

I don't even know what this blog post was about...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How To Not Have a Balanced Life

How To Not Have a Balanced Life

Elephant Slip

1) Drink a lot. And I'm not talking about water.
You're gonna fall down a lot and that's always fun. And be really thirsty, which means you can drink more. And make questionable decisions, which leads to amazing stories. And spend a lot of money on booze, so you'll be able to relate to the 99%.

2) Push yourself to the point of exhaustion.
This is pretty much Res Life's motto. Keep pushing yourself until you collapse from exhaustion, start crying randomly for no reason, and/or sleep at your desk.

3) Have no friends outside of your job.
My "People Skills" Are "Rusty"
If you go out to eat, make sure you talk about your work all the time. With the people you work with. They understand what you are going through and it's important to not give yourself a break from thinking about work. If you have no non-work friends, you won't have to learn how to get to know people outside of teambuilders and icebreakers.

4) Stay on-campus all the time.
If your job is to live on-campus, you should stay there all the time. Leaving the place you live and work is just not okay and it's scary. You should always think about work when you go home. And if you go off-campus (especially for a day), you're really bad at your job.

5) Eat whatever you want.
Healthy food sucks. You only live once, so stuff your face with whatever you want. Deep fried oreos? Yum. Frozen pizza for dinner every night? Do it.

Monday, July 28, 2014

My Ideal Casting of Christian Grey in 50 Shades of Grey

My Ideal Casting of Christian Grey in 50 Shades of Grey

Nope, I don't care that 1) I haven't read the book and 2) they already cast the movie.

This guy is Christian:

Here's my ideal casting of Christian Grey.

Matt Bomer

Alex Pettyfer

Ian Somerhalder

The Guy Who Played Dean Thomas in Harry Potter

Weird Al

The Numa Numa Guy

This Banana

A Goat